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Helping people to be healthy while creating a business opportunity.





Our Mission

To open the doors of opportunity and prosperity by empowering our distributors to achieve financial independence and economic stability by maximizing the wealth of the market through our breakthrough products and services.

Our Vission

To provide unmatched innovation and quality distribution of outstanding products and services to local, regional, and global markets.

Core Values

LEADERSHIP: The valor to shape a better future
INTEGRITY: Be genuine and reliable
EXCELLENCE: To stand out and be known
PASSION: Committed by heart and mind
QUALITY: Revolutionary and effective products to cater the world

Bringing out the Entrepreneur in you

Enjoy selling? Market our excellent wellness products at the retail level anytime, anywhere. Sell it at SRP and earn profit!
Network Development
At AIM Global, the world is at your fingertips. Build your network and develop leaders here in the Philippines and in over 200 countries around the globe!
If you are ready to get out of your comfort zone, start your own business, and partner with AIM Global! Lead a life of wellness, achieve time freedom, and financial independence!
Aim Global C 24/7 Natura-Ceuticals

One of the most nutritionally dense food supplements in the world market today, C24/7 contains the most number of antioxidants and phyto-nutrientsin one product. The ingredients of C24/7 work in “synergy” to produce the maximum result for your body, making it the most potent anti-aging product in the history of supplementation.

C24/7 introduces a new concept in supplements taken for daily health and energy through a wider range of distinctly balanced nutrients that provide the crucial health value from three important areas: daily essentials, botanical energizers and system defenders that include anti-oxidants. Composed of a greater number of revitalizing nutrients from more natural sources than any product, C24/7 supplements are the supreme Whole Food Energizers™.


© 2006 by Jeremiah Jarme with Alliance In Motion Global Inc.

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