Do you agree that network marketing is NOT for everyone? Or let me paraphrase it: Do you agree that NOT everyone succeeds in network marketing? I’ve read from somewhere that only 10% of those who enter the network marketing business makes it big. Why? Because the remaining 90% do not have the traits of a truly successful leader.
I’m sure you want to know what those traits are. Let me go over them one by one and check if you’re qualified.
1. You must be adaptable to change. Actually, scratch that. You must embrace change. If you want to change your life, you must change yourself. I see it as the most important trait of all. Successful people are not afraid to try out new things. They’re not afraid to take risks. They’re not afraid of what other people would think about them. They’re not afraid to go out of their comfort zones and seek a new environment with new people and new learning altogether. They do not mind changing their lifestyles, their routines, their traditions. They do not fear change.
In 1986, Apple, Inc. co-founder and silicon valley icon Steve Jobs saw the opportunity in the talent and equipment of the guys from The Graphics Group of Lucas film. He bought this small division from George Lucas when everyone thought all of it was a trash, when everyone did not know what it can contribute to the film industry. They were just a bunch of computer geeks with computers and tools not anyone cared about during that time. But Steve’s guts and vision just kept him believing in them and fighting for them, even risking his own financial portfolio just because he knew, deep inside his failed self (after being kicked out from Apple), that they have something there that can change the world of computer graphics and animation. It wasn’t his field. He was into computer hardware and software development. He did not know anything about computer effects, animation and all that, but he embraced it. He adopted those guys as his own and named them Pixar. He risked his own money just to keep that company alive until they produced something that can change the world – until we saw Toy Story 1 in 1995. He came back in the industry as a successful CEO and managed to return to Apple in 1997, getting back together with his first and lasting love – Apple computers. He bounced back and became the man we knew. Just because he was not afraid of change.
2. You must be willing to learn. ..And everything follows. Don’t be stubborn. You’re just a tiny speck in this universe. You have a lot more to learn in life. No matter how high you are in your field, no matter how much money you have in the bank, no matter how godly and powerful others think you are, no matter how vast your experience and credentials are, you are nothing. You still have a lot to learn. Not only from someone above you but also from everyone else below. You must be willing to listen and practice. When you have this, you’ll learn all the rules and techniques of the game the way the masters do. All the who, what, where, when and how. And the why? It’s up to you, but you may need to refer to item number 5 of this list.
Being willing to learn provides you with all the mindset, skills set and tools to succeed. It’s the real deal in business. And especially now that the times are changing, that the ways by which we do things now are no longer like before, that technology overruns our traditions, you must be willing to learn by yourself or with the help of others. Life is a constant revolution, and you must be willing to learn in order to survive.
3. You must be willing to teach. Now, even if you’re just a tiny speck in this universe, as I earlier said, you are still unique. You were uniquely created by nature. Your eyes, your hair, your cheeks, your lips,..your strengths and weaknesses, your experiences, struggles and triumphs, your achievements and frustrations. Simply put, your totality is like no other. And that’s what you can share to others. You always have something that they don’t have. You always always always have something that you can share distinctively to others. Remember that.
Successful leaders in network marketing are able to duplicate themselves. They help others by sharing themselves unselfishly. Even corporate CEOs want their vice presidents to be as good as they were in that position. And though very few of them directly teach their subordinates, they compromise it by setting a standard. They’re instilling a set of values, skills and identities. There is a brand that they’re adhering to, down to the lowest positions in the hierarchy. Some people are hesitant to share their knowledge because they fear of being overtaken. That’s crab mentality. They do not realize that pushing and pulling each other up breeds a culture of growth and progress.
4. You must be everything positive. Negativity and fear can bog you down. All of it is blinding. It blocks your eyes from seeing the paths that are meant to be there for you. It prevents you from seeing the signs and patterns that point you to success. You must practice positivity all the time. Good vibes all the way, so to speak. Having negative people around you or having your family and friends as your whole gang of discouragement is quite hard, but if you yourself can develop that strength to overcome these negativity, you can conquer anything. You can break your own records.
One way to do this is to be thankful in life. Acknowledge each and every blessing day by day. Stay away from dramas and sad songs, heartaches and insecurities. Surround yourself with positive people that can inspire you, motivate you and lift you up. And always always always see the silver lining. Life sometimes beats you up and f*cks you in the ass, and it may feel like the world’s against you. But I’m telling you, it’s not. Summon and emanate positivity all the time.
5. You must have the drive and hunger to succeed. Who’s your inspiration? Why are you waking up each morning to go to work? What do you want to have at the age of 25? 30? 40? 50? What are your personal dreams? What are the dreams you’ve already buried in your closet because you think they’re impossible to achieve? How do you want to spend the rest of your life?
If there’s still a spark inside you, even the tiniest spark of desire to achieve any of your dreams, build on it. Use it. Make the best of it. Because some people are just contented with the status quo. Some are just too afraid or too conforming that they’re just contributing to the treasures of the graveyard. One success coach shared to me before that the graveyard is the richest and happiest place on earth. Because six feet under are sports cars, big houses, toys, businesses, abundance – the dreams that did not become realities.
So if you have that drive in yourself to achieve your dreams, no matter how big or small they may be, use it and network marketing will work for you.
If you have any item on this list, you can use it to get the other four. Because having all five of these traits just means being OPEN – open to opportunities, open to learn, open to help others, open for all the riches that this world has to offer, and open to a personal mission.
Openness allows the natural order of things to flow smoothly. It allows you to receive and embrace all the blessings that are just there waiting for you. It creates paths and bridges that lead you to a better understanding of life and its bounty. If you limit yourself to just one particular path, one job, one routine, one quality of life, that’s what you’ll get for the rest of your days.
Tell me, are you qualified to succeed? How many of these traits do you have?